About CyclodexDB

The CyclodexDB is a database of inclusion complexes of cyclodextrins and their derivatives with small molecules.

This database is based on Cyclodextrin KnowledgeBase initiated by Prof. József Szejtli and compiled by two Hungarian companies: CycloLab and VirtuaDrug. The Cyclodextrin KnowledgeBase was freely availble till 2014 at cyclodextrins.net using Java Applet. Then, due to technical problems the access to the database was disabled.

In 2022 the data were made available by Eva Fenyvesi from Cyclolab and you can now see the first version of the freely available database interface at https://db.cyclodextrins.org

The code of the interface is based on the OpenMolDB project created by Samo Turk. Links to other open source components used by the projects are given in the page footer.

Jindrich Jindrich, jindrich@jindrich.org